

코카서스 사람

코카서스 사람

Man saying something into a megaphone

A man in a blue shirt and yellow shorts holding a red and white megaphoneAI

A lifeguard speaking into a megaphone

Man holding a megaphone and pointing forward

Side view of a man putting on goggles

Man speaking into megaphone and pointing forward

인명구조원이 확성기로 이야기하고 있다

A man holding a megaphone up to his faceAI

Side view of a lifeguard speaking into a megaphone

A man holding a red and white megaphoneAI

A man wearing a diving mask, blue tank top and yellow shorts

A man in a blue tank top putting on goggles

Man in blue tank top and yellow shorts puttting on swimming mask

A man with a megaphone in his handAI

Man holding megaphone and pointing forward

수영하는 척하는 남자

Man with megaphone gesturing to come closer

A man in shorts speaking into a megaphone

Man holding a megaphone and pointing at camera

남자는 수영을 할 것이다